My children and chores have not been very compatible lately. Heather pinned these
Chore Cards on Pinterest, and I LOVED the idea - so I made some! The kids get to begin using them tomorrow. They can get their cards punched for walking the dog, doing their homework, practicing their instruments, sorting the laundry, taking out the trash, cleaning their room, etc. I made each of them there own chore chart to go with the cards. This way they know what is expected daily, weekly and as needed (emptying the trash, for instance), without being reminded. I'm really excited about this - let's hope it works!
Here's a pic of the ones that I made: (at the bottom it says "Do your chores, get a punch. Punch them all, get a prize!" Noah told me he didn't want to get punched, that might hurt!)
I think i was the original pinner on these. I am thinking about implementing them, too. Let me know how it works.